Graphic novel
It Fell on Deaf Ears

The zine, embryo of the project (in French)

The series of web video chapters featuring encounters with Deaf and hearing people
(10 videos, 4 hours, in French & LSQ)

The short film produced from extracts from the graphic novel
(16 min, English version available)
Entitled C'est tombé dans l'oreille d'une Sourde (it fell on Deaf ears), the initial zine made in 2012 was only in French. Then, as part of my doctorate in communication, I completed a research-creation thesis (English abstract available), which consists of a doctoral essay and a bilingual comic strip in Quebec Sign Language (LSQ) and French, made up of 10 video chapters. In order to promote its distribution, I then produced a 16-minute short film.
The neologism "bande dessignée" (a play on words between graphic novel (bande dessinée) and sign language) came to my mind one evening when I was explaining that my creation embraces the codes of comics while integrating video as a form of writing sign language. It is a comic strip in signs... a bande dessignée.
Since Quebec Sign Language cannot be captured on paper, video is the ideal medium for writing this visual language. The first fully bilingual videotaped graphic novel in sign language, it fell on Deaf ears presents encounters with Deaf people and members of my hearing family (three of whom are played by Deaf actors). A journey through this so-called "silent" world, where Deaf people are signing us to listen.